(K. Siva Prasad is an IAS officer and these writings can be accessed at anchor.fm /GitaAcharan and medium.com /@GitaAcharan). Dwelling further on Sat (real/permanence) and Asat (unreal/impermanence), ...
Read more(K. Siva Prasad is an IAS officer and these writings can be accessed at anchor.fm /GitaAcharan and medium.com /@GitaAcharan). Krishna says Sat (reality/permanence) never ceases to be and Asat (unreal ...
Read more(K. Siva Prasad is an IAS officer and these writings can be accessed at anchor.fm /GitaAcharan and medium.com /@GitaAcharan). Krishna says that there are four types of devotees. The first one want ...
Read more(K. Siva Prasad is an IAS officer and these writings can be accessed at anchor.fm /GitaAcharan and medium.com /@GitaAcharan). Krishna says that there is no kartha for any karma . Karma is in fact the ...
Read more(K. Siva Prasad is an IAS officer and these writings can be accessed at anchor.fm /GitaAcharan and medium.com /@GitaAcharan). Samatva (equanimity) is a common thread that runs across the Gita. Lord K ...
Read more(K. Siva Prasad is an IAS officer and these writings can be accessed at anchor.fm /GitaAcharan and medium.com /@GitaAcharan). Most of us believe that we are the cause of all our actions and masters o ...
Read more(K. Siva Prasad is an IAS officer and these writings can be accessed at anchor.fm /GitaAcharan and medium.com /@GitaAcharan). Krishna says that there are four types of devotees. The first one want ...
Read more(K. Siva Prasad is an IAS officer and these writings can be accessed at anchor.fm /GitaAcharan and medium.com /@GitaAcharan). If one word could describe the entire Gita it would be ' Drishta â ...
Read more(K. Siva Prasad is an IAS officer and these writings can be accessed at anchor.fm /GitaAcharan and medium.com /@GitaAcharan). Arjuna compares the mind to the wind and wants to know as to how to contr ...
Read more(K. Siva Prasad is an IAS officer and these writings can be accessed at anchor.fm /GitaAcharan and medium.com /@GitaAcharan). Transcending polarity/duality (Dwandwa-atheeth) , is another master key i ...
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