
  • Category: Blog
Gita Acharan: Dwelling further on Sat (real/permanence)
Gita Acharan: Krishna says Sat (reality/permanence)
Gita Acharan: Krishna says that there are four types of devotees.
Gita Acharan: Krishna says that there is no kartha for any karma
Gita Acharan: Samatva (equanimity) is a common thread that runs across the Gita.
Gita Acharan: Most of us believe
Gita Acharan: Krishna says that there are four types of devotees
Gita Acharan: If one word could describe the entire Gita it would be ' Drishta
Gita Acharan: Arjuna compares the mind to the wind
Gita Acharan: Transcending polarity/duality (Dwandwa-atheeth) ,