T Ram Sewak SARAL PATH Shri Ram further clarifies the straightforward and uncomplicated nature of the bhakti path in Shri Ramcharitmanas 7.46. Kahahu prayasa, joga upavasa. sarala kutilaayi, jatha sadayi.
- Posted: December 24, 2024
- Updated: 10:16 am
T Ram Sewak
Shri Ram further clarifies the straightforward and uncomplicated nature of the bhakti path in Shri Ramcharitmanas 7.46.
Kahahu prayasa, joga upavasa.
sarala kutilaayi, jatha sadayi.
"Tell Me what is difficult on the path of devotion (bhakti): it requires neither yoga (mind-control), nor ritualistic sacrifices, nor elaborate japa (muttering/chanting), nor penance, nor fasting. All that is needed is a guileless disposition and absolute contentment with whatever one gets."
For those sadhaks (seekers) who find it challenging to follow the practice of sama, yama, niyama, yoga, pranayama, etc., Shri Ram solves the problem by prescribing the simple path of bhakti which doesn't involve even any elaborate yajna or japa or tapa.
On the bhakti path, japa is not a chanting of mantras with a specific number of repetitions, with elaborate rituals and offerings (anushthan). Instead, it is a heartfelt expression of love. A bhakt does japa with love, not keeping count. For a bhakt, japa is his disposition, an incessant muttering full of devotion and fervour with every breath.
Even practices like fasting and penance are not obligatory on the bhakti path. Shri Ram is not saying that we should not do them, but merely pointing out an alternate route of bhakti where these are not essential. The most critical elements on the bhakti path are unconditional love for Him, faith in Him, devotion to Him, and taking his sharanagati (refuge). Bhakti is the pinnacle of the staircase of prem (love), vishwas(trust) and shraddha (reverence)all for Him and Only Him.
In Gita 12.11, Shri Krishna echoes the same message: If a sadhak cannot follow the path of knowledge or yoga, he should follow the bhakti path by taking refuge in Him. For the citizens, Shri Ram further simplifies it: do your duty, live without deviousness, and be content with what you earn and receive. This is the bhakti path - the simplest way to reach Him! / DAILY WORLD /
Namami Ramam Musings-76
The author is a former electrical Engineer and resides in the Himalayas. He can be occasionally reached at ramam.namami@gmail.com