T Ram Sewak rAm mayy jagat The seventh form of bhakti revealed by Shri Ram to Sabari in Shri Ramcharitmanas (3.36) is: Saatanv sama mohi mayy jaga dekha, mote sant adhika kari lekha.
- Posted: December 22, 2024
- Updated: 12:08 pm
T Ram Sewak
rAm mayy jagat
The seventh form of bhakti revealed by Shri Ram to Sabari in Shri Ramcharitmanas (3.36) is:
"Saatanv sama mohi mayy jaga dekha, mote sant adhika kari lekha."
" Seventh, see Me everywhere, and everything in Me, without distinction, and reckon the saints as even greater than Me."
There are multiple messages in this proclamation. Seeing HIM in everyone, everything and everywhere as a form of bhakti is a very forceful message to society on the universal equality of mankind and living in harmony with nature and all creation.
The second message is for the individual. After achieving inner stability while treading the path of sajjan dharam, a bhakt should move to the next higher plane of seeing HIM everywhere and in everyone. This state is achieved through consistent satsang, katha shravan(listening), sewa, kirtan, and naam japa.
The bhakt is deep in devotion and immersed in his Isht and Aaradhya, attempting to achieve trikarana-shuddhi, which is the purity and unity of his mansa(thought), vacha(speech) and karmana(action). Thus, a bhakt should not only possess the evenness of mind but also the evenness of vision. He must develop both internal and external equanimity and perceive HIM in all and all in HIM.
We find a mirroring of this declaration in Gita 6.8, 6.9 and 6.30, where Shri Krishna assures the bhakt that one who sees ME in all beings and sees all beings in ME is never separated from ME, nor do I become separated from him. Non-separation and unification with HIM is the ultimate goal of a bhakt, who sees this creation as an expression of and suffused with his Isht.
Shri Ram has underscored the role of sants in every form of bhakti and here elevates them to the highest pedestal. This also resonates with his other declarations about bhakts, that not only are they the dearest to him but are also higher than HIM./ DAILY WORLD /
Namami Ramam Musings-29
The author is a former electrical Engineer and resides in the Himalayas. He can be occasionally reached at ramam.namami@gmail.com