T Ram Sewak DANA Shri Ram continues the analogy of the weaponry and the attributes of a righteous person inVibhishan Gita (Shri Ramcharitmanas 6.79), dana parasu buddhi sakti prachanda .
- Posted: December 21, 2024
- Updated: 08:06 pm
T Ram Sewak
Shri Ram continues the analogy of the weaponry and the attributes of a righteous person inVibhishan Gita (Shri Ramcharitmanas 6.79),
"dana parasu buddhi sakti prachanda ."
"Charity is the axe; intellect the fierce lance "
All religions and ethical systems have awarded primacy to charity, generosity, and sharing with others. Shri Krishna terms dana as a divine attribute in Gita 16.1, and further in 17.20- 22, delineates the sattvik, rajasik and tamasik dana.
Dana is born out of a capacity to restrain one's instincts of acquisition and aggrandisement and replace them with the spirit of sharing. Dana is the actualization of dama (self-control) through the development of the ability to detach oneself from wealth, knowledge or any possessions. Thus, it also resonates with vairagya and santosh.
Shri Ram enjoins us to practice sattvik dana and prescribes, that the spirit of dana has to be an intrinsic attribute. It can't be a one-off feeling or event. The disposition has to be continuous. It should nudge and lead to a realization that All belongs to HIM, nothing is mine, and so whatever HE has given must be shared with HIS creation. Certainly, a hue of bhakti yoga here.
We also find extensive use of the conjoined term 'dana dakshina' in Vedanta and in normal parlance. Why so? The associated use is based on the belief that the receiver of dana is actually doing a favour to the giver by accepting it. Hence, as a token of gratitude to the receiver for his kindness in accepting dana, the giver gives him dakshina also. The objective is to inculcate further humility in the giver.
Sattvik dana also eradicates arrogance and erases any desire for gratitude, fame, or any benefit in this world or in another. The analogy of the axe indicates that in our spiritual journey, dana should be used to keep the path of righteousness clear of any hurdle of attachment, desire or arrogance./ DAILY WORLD /
Namami Ramam Musings-14
The author is a former electrical Engineer and resides in the Himalayas. He can be occasionally reached at ramam.namami@gmail.com