T Ram Sewak BHAKTI SADHAN After briefly outlining the attributes and grandeur of bhakti in Shri Ramcharitmanas (3.16), Shri Ram delineates its means o
- Posted: December 23, 2024
- Updated: 05:11 am
T Ram Sewak
After briefly outlining the attributes and grandeur of bhakti in Shri Ramcharitmanas (3.16), Shri Ram delineates its means or, more appropriately, its various forms. This is Navadha Bhakti, mentioned earlier by Shri Ram in HIS conversation with Maharishi Valmiki and elucidated later to Shabari. Navadha Bhakti has also been explained in 'Shrimad Bhagavad Puran' and 'Narad Bhakti Sutra'. Shri Ram says,
"bhagati sadhan bakhaani, taba . anuraga".
"I now explain the forms of bhakti, an easy path for beings to reach ME. First, cultivate excessive devotion to the learned and, second, remain engaged in your own duty as enjoined by the Vedas. This induces dispassion, which catalyses devotion and love for Me."
In line with HIS dictum that satsang is the starting point of bhakti marg, Shri Ram says that bhakti flows as a favour bestowed by the saints and holy men. Underscoring once again the organic linkage between gyan (knowledge) and bhakti (devotion), HE outlines the first form of bhakti as reverence to 'Bipr' an embodiment of sattvik qualities and a symbol of knowledge and learning. Reverence for them is intended to inculcate humility in the bhakt and create an ambience that leads to a smooth flow of the grace of saints and, hence, bhakti.
The second form mirrors the declaration of Shri Krishna in Gita (3.35 and 18.47), mandating the performance of one's obligatory duties. The bhakti of Laxman, Hanuman, Arjun, Kewat, etc., is a testament to bhakti also being the performance of obligatory duties, whether through body, speech, mind, or intellect while surrendering all actions to HIM. This is also the central theme of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.
Shri Ram elaborates further that this reduces the most significant hindrance on the spiritual journey, i.e. attachments towards worldly objects (Gita 2.62-63). After that, as Vairagya (dispassion) follows, the ground is ready for HIS bhakti to sprout. / DAILY WORLD /
Namami Ramam Musings-47
The author is a former electrical Engineer and resides in the Himalayas. He can be occasionally reached at ramam.namami@gmail.com