T Ram Sewak BHAJAN While giving us the allegory of the dharma rath in Vibhishan Gita (Shri Ramcharitmanas 6.79), Shri Ram says: Isa bhajan sarathi sujana
- Posted: December 22, 2024
- Updated: 03:07 am
T Ram Sewak
While giving us the allegory of the dharma rath in Vibhishan Gita (Shri Ramcharitmanas 6.79), Shri Ram says:
" Isa bhajan sarathi sujana "
"Adoration of God is the dexterous charioteer "
An accomplished warrior may have a robust chariot with fast, agile, spirited horses and the best weaponry; however, the sine qua non for victory is a sagacious and skillful charioteer. The Pandavas won Mahabharata because Shri Krishna was Arjuna's charioteer. Similarly, in the battle of life, the chariot of righteousness requires the astute charioteer 'bhajan' for success in worldly affairs and the spiritual journey.
In Shri Ramcharitmanas 3.35, Shri Ram explains that bhajan is a form of bhakti. Adoration, immersion and chanting of HIS name, with vishwas and shraddha, even in the simplest manner, leads one to salvation. Similarly, in Gita 12.2, Shri Krishna explains bhakti as constant worship with the mind fixed on HIM, with steadfast surrender and supreme faith.
Further, Shri Krishna prescribes a simple path for a bhakta in Gita 12.10-11, to do all actions for HIM, take refuge in HIM, and renounce the fruits of all actions. Then, ere-long, HE shall be the saviour (Gita 12.6-7).
Here, Shri Ram is enjoining us to make bhakti(bhajan) the charioteer of our dharma rath. As a charioteer takes care of the warrior at all times on the battlefield and safely takes him to his destination; similarly, bhajan protects a person and ensures that he steadfastly holds on to his dharma in the battle of life. The charioteer bhajan guides and ensures that the horses, in the form of bal, vivek, dama and parahit, always take the chariot on the right track.
This exhortation underlines that only with bhakti(bhajan) as the pivot can one skillfully use the noble attributes for a righteous life. Further, even if, unfortunately, in the battle of life, this chariot of righteousness does suffer some damage, the charioteer 'bhajan' shall ensure a safe onward journey./ DAILY WORLD /
Namami Ramam Musings-20
The author is a former electrical Engineer and resides in the Himalayas. He can be occasionally reached at ramam.namami@gmail.com